CLC Complete Vocabulary Wordlists: Unit 1 | Unit 2 | Units 3-4 | Whitaker's Words: Online Latin Dictionary

Monday, December 10, 2012

Latin 1: Mon. & Tues. Dec 10 & 11, 2012

Your Benchmark Test will be WEDNESDAY.

Monday and Tuesday you will work in the same groups as last Friday.
You will finish odds and ends from Friday and get them turned in.
There are extra copies of the Friday assignments at the desk,
if you did not get them all on Friday.

1)You will work as a group to translate the story 
ānulus Aegyptius  CLC 10 page 172.
Divide the boxes and circle those that you are personally responsible for. 
Sentences and Selections from this story will be used on the Benchmark Test
 as examples for grammar items, verb tenses, noun cases, and word meanings
 as well as for general narrative comprehension questions.
Do your preparation work thoroughly and completely.

2) Do an individual practice paradigm for the verb esse and its translations
without use of books or notes.
Check your answers with the group and learn what is shaky.

3) Review the culture reading for Chapter 10 on Roman Education
 and complete the confirmation crossword SCHOOL DAZE.

4) Read the Benchmark Study Guide 
Confirm any information you have questions on by referring to 
the pages indicated or the Unit 1 vocabulary glossary. 
You may email or message any questions to me.

5) Practice Vocabulary Flashcards  for CLC Stages 9 and 10. 
You will have these words on the Benchmark test.
There is also a printed sheet of the complete vocabulary at the desk:

Make sure that you turn in the  ānulus Aegyptius story
and SCHOOL DAZE crossword puzzle
so that I can see your work and record your grade.

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